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Water treatment

MK:N HydroFit is an approved disinfectant for drinking line disinfection. It dissolves the minerals trapped in the pipe, keeps them bioavailable, reliably kills germs and prevents them from forming again and the formation of a biofilm.

With the MK:N HydroFit water treatment, which is installed in your drinking line, we add MK:N HydroFit to the tap water. We use as little as possible but as much as necessary. MK:N permanently provides tasteless, odorless, soft drinking water.

  • MK:N

    HydroFit disinfectant

    • Installation in allen gängigen Wasserleitungen
    • Seltenere Leitung- und Tränkenreinigung
    • Tötet Keime, Pilze, Sporen und Legionellen
    0,00 €
    (with VAT)

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